Saturday, May 10, 2008

Wanted: White Wedding by Natasha Oakley

Title: Wanted: White Wedding
Author: Natasha Oakley
Line: Harlequin Romance
Release month: May/June 2008
The S-Factor: Sweet

Seeing Daniel Ramsey struggle with fatherhood makes memories of Freya's past come flooding back. Freya was a wild child, but on the inside she always dreamed of happy ever afters and white weddings. It was a way to escape the troubles of home. Now she's grown up, stunning and successful, and she knows she can help Daniel and his daughter.

But Freya's afraid of getting too close.… She still has her secrets, locked up tight. Could it be that after all these years, she's met the man who has the ability to see straight into her heart?


The wonderful Natasha Oakley is back with a brand new Harlequin Romance that will tug at your heartstrings and hold you spellbound until the final sentence: Wanted: White Wedding.

Freya Anthony knows that the people of Fellingham haven’t forgotten her wild child past. She’s well aware of the gossip and sniggers which surround her return, but her beloved grandmother Margaret needs her, and she isn’t going to let a bunch of nosy parkers with nothing better to do with their lives, prevent her from helping the one woman who’s always cared and been there for her.

On her arrival, Freya learns that Margaret wants to sell some of her antiques to local auctioneer Daniel Ramsay, and when Freya visits his auction house, she’s less than impressed! How can Daniel runs a serious business from a ramshackle building?
But Freya’s got other things to worry about: her attraction to the gorgeous Daniel!
Charismatic, charming and drop dead gorgeous, Freya begins to fall for the handsome auctioneer. However, will Freya and Daniel let their pasts and responsibilities push them away? Or will they realize that theirs is a love that will last a lifetime?

Wanted: White Wedding is an absolutely terrific contemporary romance by one of my favourite romance writers! Moving, tender, sweet, poignant and totally absorbing, Wanted: White Wedding is a captivating tale of renewal, new beginnings and happy endings from a writer who never fails to deliver enthralling romance!

Hero Hotness Factor♥♥♥♥♥
Heroine Lovability Factor♥♥♥♥♥
Awww Factor♥♥♥♥♥
Stickability Factor (will they have a happily ever after) ♥♥♥♥♥
Humour Factor♥♥♥♥♥
Weepy Factor♥♥♥♥♥

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