Tina Morrell lost both of her parents at a young age and her beloved Kindergarten teacher GG along with many neighbours have raised her in a loving environment, sent her to college, believed in her ability to someday run her ad agency and loved her to death. Tina is now a very successful advertising exec and up for a promotion at her Seattle firm. However, she has taken a leave to take care of GG who is recuperating from hip surgery.
Ryan Chase, left Los Angeles as a successful business man and has taken his captivating five year old daughter Maggie and moved to Halo Island, to give her stability and a home in a wonderful neighbourhood. Ryan’s wife died when Maggie was young, his fiancĂ© left them for a “high powered” career and then his nanny also had to leave to help raise her grandson. The loss has affected both Ryan and Maggie. Maggie longs for a woman or mother figure in her life and Ryan wants no part of any sort of relationship, especially a permanent one.
Yet when Ryan and Tina meet, his daughter is immediately drawn to Tina and does everything in her power to spend time with her and GG. Maggie longs for a mother and adores Tina……the feeling mutual. Ryan is extremely protective of Maggie and doesn’t want her to become attached to Tina. Every step of the way, Ryan fights his attraction and puts up protective armour.
Both Ryan and Tina are attracted to each other immediately and fight their attraction for each other every step of the way. Their journey in finding love and each other will melt your heart. However, the entire story, it’s marvellous characters, the warmth I felt while reading this story……well let’s just say, it made me believe there “really is a Santa” and reminded me of the miracle of Christmas.
Hero Hotness Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Heroine Lovability Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Awww Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Stickability Factor: ♥♥♥♥♥
Humour Factor ♥♥
Weepy Factor ♥
Fun gossipy tidbit about author: This book was inspired when the author saw a young man with his baby at a Seattle lake. The expression on his face touched Ann deeply. She saw love, pride and joy, but underneath grief and sorrow. In her imagination this man was a single father who had lost his wife. She has carried this picture in her heart and often wondered about the man and child. All I Want for Christmas was born out of that image.