The S-Factor: Sizzling!
Dark, proud and sinfully gorgeous, Guido Corsentino is determined to reclaim his wife! Outwardly, Amber is perfect and untouchable, but Guido knows the passionate woman inside. One kiss and he's certain she'll give him whatever he demands.
But Guido is also certain of something else: Amber ran away from him once—so she won't be given the opportunity to run again. He'll protect her from the consequences of her actions…in his bed!
Again, Kate Walker has written a spellbinding story, one that took this reader on such an emotional journey.
Like so many of us who have attended formal wedding’s and heard the clergy say “if anyone knows just cause why these two should not be joined…….”, this is exactly how this story begins and I believe where Ms. Walker got her particular idea for this story. Just think about it for a minute, how would you react if someone spoke out? Well, our handsome, sexy alpha Guido does just that and then some, taking everyone present at the wedding by surprise.
When Amber met Guido in Las Vegas, there was an immediate attraction, strong emotions, and longing. So when Guido realized he had to have her, there was only one choice and that was to ask her to marry him. Amber’s feelings for him were so strong that she immediately said yes and wanted to marry immediately; they did! However, their relationship was based on one of misunderstanding, lack of communication and secrets. When Amber realized she married him and did not know him she ran and with a man she later promised to marry. At this wedding, the story begins.
Guido arrives at the wedding just in time and forces Amber to leave her wedding, confront the groom, admit she is married to Guido and leaves for Sicily and his home. It is there, she finds out his secret…….he’s wealthy, they are married and will remain so and he has not been honest with her. It is here, they both examine themselves, their past, and present and where Amber realizes that she has loved him always, is vulnerable to him and loves him with desperation. And Guido? He believes Amber had never been strong enough to believe in him. He also realizes that he is the only person that has ever stood by her.
I actually felt like I was caught in the eye of a storm. While reading Guido and Amber’s story I was on edge, anticipating at every turn, the outcome, wishing and wanting them to resolve their differences and find love again.
The Sicilian Husband, Blackmailed Bride is the first book in the duo Corsentino’s brother’s series, with Vito’s story being next (The Sicilian's Red-Hot Revenge) . These Sicilian men are strong, hard working and love intensely. I cannot begin to tell you how much I loved this first book and I am looking forward to next
Reviewed by: Marilyn
Hero Hotness Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Heroine Lovability Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Awww Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Stickability Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
Weepy Factor ♥♥♥♥♥
“And then there was the ‘what if’ moment. For some time I had also had an opening scene in my head. A scene in which a wedding is taking place and that moment comes – you know the one – the one where the priest says, ‘If anyone here knows of any reason why these two people should not be joined together, let him speak now of forever hold his peace.’ I’ve been to lots of weddings and no one ever steps forward at that moment and says anything.” (Kate Walker’s Blog) To find out more, why not visit her website or her Blog?